
Think Nature supports the nature-related businesses of various partners by evaluating and analyzing the distribution data of more than 300,000 species worldwide and more than 150 indicators. Our services help companies understand their relationship with nature and promote a shift towards nature-positive business practices.

  • Business and
    Enterprise Services

    We offer a range of services that promote corporate nature transformation, such as TNFD compliance and nature-positive impact visualization. These services can be useful for PR and IR activities, nature positivity in supply chains, and biodiversity/nature capital related strategy and policy development.

  • Personal use

    Restoring biodiversity and natural capital requires the participation of individuals across organizational boundaries. We develop applications that help people care for the biodiversity in their immediate environment.

Business and Enterprise Services

Category 01

Comply TNFD

Services based on the LEAP approach recommended by TNFD

  • Helping companies comply with the TNFD

    We help companies comply with the TNFD by following the LEAP approach from scoping to preparation, as recommended by the TNFD, using high-resolution and highly descriptive analyses based on biodiversity data on more than 300,000 species worldwide. We can also support compliance with GRI, CDP, CSRD, etc.

  • Automated reporting for the initial TNFD compliance process

    Provides an automated report of the initial TNFD compliance process (TN LEAD).  The report can quickly provide a global assessment of natural capital by visualising comprehensive biodiversity information based on a company's location and sector information.

  • Support TNFD compliance from a financial perspective

    Assess biodiversity and natural capital impacts and dependencies in portfolios at sector and company level from a financial perspective and understand nature-related risks from a dual materiality perspective to clarify our approach with our business partners.

Best services for the LEAP approach recommended by TNFD

The LEAP approach is recommended for disclosure. Using the global spatio-temporal data that Think Nature has collected over the years is the best way for analysis based on the LEAP approach.

  • Scoping
    Identification of priority businesses and commodities through sectoral and ”quantitative” commodity-based assessments on a commodity basis to identify high priority target companies and commodities.
  • Locate
    Visualize the interface between your business and nature and quantitatively identify priority areas based on spatially explicit nature-related data from over 150 indicators worldwide.
  • Evaluate
    Assess the status and dependence on ecosystem services for high-priority business activities, and quantify impacts on nature and biodiversity (including time series analysis).
  • Assess
    Time series analysis is used to forecast scenarios from both a biological and business perspective for each case, and the overlap between the two is used to quantitatively assess future opportunities and risks.
  • Prepare
    Business improvements can be consistently visualized and incorporated into medium to long-term management plans through spatially explicit time series comparison.
Category 02

Other services

  • Visualizing Nature Positives

    We quantitatively assess how much the companies contribute to biodiversity conservation through nature-positive activities such as tree planting and reforestation.

  • Visualizing the conservation efforts

    A quantitative assessment of the extent to which a company has protected its forests and green spaces from surrounding development pressures through the long-term conservation and management.

  • Assess the impact of development activities on nature

    Quantify the impact of development activities on nature.

Service Delivery Flow

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
    Explanation and Proposal
    • Explanation of service overview
    • Explanation of each plan
  3. Step 3
    Goal Setting


    • Scoping area
    • Budget
    • Schedule
  4. Step 4
    Collecting Data

    Collecting information of

    • Business location
    • Supply chain
    • Planted species
  5. Step 5
    Analysis and Evaluation

    Analysis by ecologists and data scientists

  6. Step 6
    Improvement Measures

    Reporting, suggestions for improvement

Personal Use Services

  • Smartphone application for biological observation

    This application is a fun and easy way to find out what animals and plants are near you!

Contact Us

For any job request or consultation, please feel free to contact us using the contact form here.